Even though the concept of home working isn’t new, this seems to have become an integral feature across the world in the wake of Covid-19. Many businesses are now fully remote, owing to reduced cost and better lifestyle for their employees.
With the right home office building, you can maintain the same levels of productivity but without many of the key issues which come from venturing away each day. So, we have pointed out five of the main reasons home working has proven to be so popular.
Saves Money
From a business perspective, working in communal spaces is rather pricey, especially places like Mayfair in London, where the Grade A rent (per sq. ft) can be as high as £120 (https://www.oktra.co.uk/)
If you work in an industry where daily tasks can be completed at home, then financially, this would always be recommended, given the final results being provided by your employees won’t be any different to that of working from a communal space.
Environments Which Suit You Alone
A communal office is generally constructed to suit the needs of the business, often at the expense of what works best for you. Even with your dedicated deck space, it’s still hard to tailor your environment into something which truly maximises productivity.
With your own garden office, you have a blank canvas to plan and then implement a design which fits your way of working alone, giving you the opportunity to fine tune every single detail to ensure you remain fully functional with the best possible comfort levels.
Balanced Lifestyle
Life can be pretty hectic at the best of times, with children to care for and exercise regimes to maintain. When based at home, you have far more control over your routine each day, and that means balancing work and leisure is often much easier to oversee.
Some common examples where this really proves beneficial would be the morning school runs and getting fresh air by simply walking around your garden on sunny days. The final result should be a much happier mind-set, and therefore a great platform to perform better with your work.
No Commute
Did you know? More than 200,000 cars will use the M25 motorway every single day! (https://www.skanska.co.uk/) The more we can reduce the use of cars, the more we can help remedy the effects of climate change.
Not only this, but with no need to commute into work, you will save tons of time which can instead be allocated to actually getting work done. Such changes again help promote greater wellbeing, since let’s be honest, who wants to spend an hour in the morning sitting on crammed trains!
In fact, taking your daily commutes out of the equation is just one of the many ways home working can reduce your carbon footprint. For instance, certain companies may not comply with environmental rules in terms of waste, which can leave you fairly restricted in how you recycle. At home, you have full control over how waste gets disposed of.
Get Your Very Own Home Office Made by Modulus
Still using your bedroom as an office? Then have you considered how dedicated garden offices could be much better for your career long-term? This is your chance to separate home life from work. Get in contact with Modulus for more information about our services.